David W. Martinez
Social Media Manager Training Course

Social Media Manager Training Course

Social Media Manager Training Course

Marketing, Design and Management Fundamentals

The link connects to a 1-hr. asynchronous, online course that I created using Articulate’s Rise 360 for an independent, Grade 4-12 girls’ school on the fundamentals of social media management. The course was designed for the school’s Grade 9-12 students interested in running an Instagram account for their school-affiliated sport, club or extracurricular organization. Content includes social media marketing concepts, visual design principles and the school’s technology use policy, using interactive, multimedia instruction.

Micro Monday Video Series

#Micro Learning

The link connects to a 1-hr. asynchronous, online course that I created using Articulate’s Rise 360 for an independent, Grade 4-12 girls’ school on the fundamentals of social media management. The course was designed for the school’s Grade 9-12 students interested in running an Instagram account for their school-affiliated sport, club or extracurricular organization.

3D Printed Skull. Photographer: NeONBRAND Digital Marketing

3D Printed Skull. Photographer: NeONBRAND Digital Marketing

Technology Integration Plan

Incorporating TINKERCAD and 3d printing into Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

This document contains an educational technology integration plan for using the computer-assisted drawing program TinkerCAD as a modern parallel for the influence of Industrial Revolution-era technology on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. The technology integration plan is included to highlight my creativity and flexibility in meeting institutional needs for educational technology use, emphasizing instructional innovation through design-oriented approaches, and engaging ISTE and Language Arts competencies.

Review. Photographer: Nicole Honeywill

Review. Photographer: Nicole Honeywill

Literature Review

The Impact of Learning Management Systems on Student Learning Outcomes

This document contains an evaluation of peer-reviewed research related to the impact of learning management systems on learner gains and how professional learning communities could support instructor implementation of this technology. The literature review is included to highlight my research and evaluation skills in the field of Educational Technology and Learning Design as well as my commitment to remaining updated on noteworthy scholarship and emerging trends within the field.