David W. Martinez

Micro Monday Video Series

#MicroLEARNING #VideoProduction

As the Educational Technology Specialist at a private, college-preparatory high school with a 1:1 iPad program, I support faculty technology integration and professional development. Administrators and faculty members at my school have varying levels of technology and digital literacy, further impacted by the rapid transition to online learning due to COVID-19 protocols. I identified the need for a 1-minute, weekly video training series on digital literacy and quality of life (QoL) technology skills to address critical knowledge gaps and pain points with a minor impact to learner workloads.

Role + Responsibilities

  • Instructional Design
  • Video Production
  • Project Management
  • Project Attributes

  • Screencast-O-Matic
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • 1-Minute Tutorials
  • Digital Literacy
  • Technology Tips

    The Problem

    Most faculty members measured at a low level of digital and technology literacy, which had an impact on their success, flexibility, and ease of teaching in a blended learning format.

    The rapid transition to remote, online learning due to COVID-19 protocols further exasperated this problem with limited time and resources to allocate directly toward faculty professional development and significant increases in faculty workload and stress. Just-in-time training and stopgaps were used to address critical needs, but frustrating pain points often went unaddressed.

    The Solution

    A microlearning video series on digital literacy and quality of life (QoL) technology tips to support faculty development and build user confidence. The weekly, 1-minute videos were screen-recorded, narrated, and edited in Screencast-o-Matic and Adobe Premiere Pro. Content focused on a single skill to address a common technology pain point from help desk and survey data.

    Faculty evaluations of the video series yielded a 4.28 (out of 5.00) average satisfaction rating with 75% of respondents marking satisfied or very satisfied in how it supported their educational technology growth.

    The ID Theory

    Microlearning strategies guided development to help reduce cognitive load and enable a quick transition to learner practice by limiting videos to 60-seconds. Real user needs and pain points drove content development with screencast recordings showcasing a skill set in context to its real-world application to support transfer.

    Mayer’s Multimedia Principles influenced audio script, visual overlays, and screencast modeling to reduce distractions and support learning objectives.




    Episode 1: How to Restore Closed Tabs

    In this video, I show how to restore closed tabs in the Chrome browser from the desktop and iPad POVs. This tip is useful to know in the event that you accidently close one of your tabs and want to restore it immediately.


    Episode 5: How to Force ‘Make a Copy’

    In this video, I show how to create a link that will force users to "Make a Copy" of a Google Doc or Slide. This tip is useful when you want to force a user to make a copy of a Google document simply by clicking on its link.


    Episode 14: How to Create Shortcuts

    In this video, I show how to create shortcuts in 'My Drive' to files in the 'Shared With Me' section of Google Drive. This tip is useful when you want to organize and locate files that have been shared with you by other users.

    Portrait Image of Samanatha Chaffin

    Faculty Feedback

    Anonymous End of Year Evaluation

    “Micro Monday videos were so helpful/reminder. It was short and simple and right to the point. Most of all, you did not feel stupid going through/watching the provided PD's and videos. Thank you!”
